
Help us map the world of dreams

A deeper understanding of dream types and dream images

Your teeth are falling out. You’re being chased. A tsunami looms. You had a baby, but can’t remember where you left him. A beloved pet is injured.

The world of dreams is one of creativity and variety. The crocodile in your dream is not the same as the crocodile in your great-aunt’s dream. And yet, we do have similar types of dreams. Certain dream types and dream images recur for many people.

“Although symbolic meanings are highly personal, Jung also acknowledged “relatively fixed” symbols, because without them, the unconscious would lack the structure essential to meaning. The ocean’s depths signify the unconscious; animals represent qualities of instinctual energy; and the stars are associated with the divine, for they let us know that we are part of a great, glorious whole.”

Dream Wise

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How will Dreamography work?

Over the coming months, we will discuss particular types of dreams on the podcast. We’ll explore each type using the dreams sent in by you, our listeners and readers. Each month, we’ll also publish our analysis of each dream type, including highlights from the dreams you send us.

All YOU have to do is send us your dream. This month we are requesting dreams about travel. We’d love to receive your dreams about driving, train trips or journeys by plane.

Everyone who submits a dream will have the chance to win a free copy of Dream Wise: Unlocking the Meaning of Your Dreams. View Terms and Conditions of entry here.

Discover new episodes, see listeners' dreams brought to life with animation, and hear all the Jungian news first on our social channels.